  • Catholic Charities Inc
  • Catholic Charities Inc
    is located at 3629 Church Street Latonia, KY. 41015 and can be contacted by calling 859-581-8974. Catholic Charities Inc offers treatment services for Alcoholism, Illicit Drug Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
    Payment Options: Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee

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  • Although eating will not help you to sober up while you're drunk, eating while you drink or before you go to sleep after drinking can lessen the intensity of the next day's hangover. That's because when you eat, your stomach holds the food for digestion, closing its contents off from the small intestine. Alcohol is absorbed into the body most quickly from the small intestine, so if the alcohol cannot reach the small intestine, it cannot be absorbed that way. (Though it will still be absorbed through the stomach, it will take longer, thereby allowing the liver to break down the alcohol that�'s already in the bloodstream.) Giving the alcohol time to be metabolized is what will lessen your hungover feeling.
  • The record number of binge drinking deaths involving college students has highlighted the need for universities to be able to find ways to reduce the out-of-control drinking practices that so are such a part of the fabric on college campuses today.
  • A recent study by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) has indicated that over 32% of high school seniors reported not being aware that alcohol can produce death via overdose.
  • Drinking is a problem if it causes trouble in your relationships at home or at work and if it interferes with your social activities.

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