  • KVC Behavioral Healthcare Kentucky
  • KVC Behavioral Healthcare Kentucky
    is located at 900 Beasley Street Lexington, KY. 40509 and can be contacted by calling 859-254-1035. KVC Behavioral Healthcare Kentucky offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Abuse and Alcoholism

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Services for Young Adults
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay

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  • How alcohol affects an individual is most often determined by their blood alcohol level (BAC); things that affect a person's BAC may include how strong the concentration of alcohol that they consume is, the rate of consumption, the amount of alcohol that is ingested, and how empty their stomach is when they are drinking.
  • Youth who drink alcohol are more likely to experience alcohol-related car crashes and other unintentional injuries, such as burns, falls, and drowning.
  • Surveys report that among persons older than 65, those with alcoholism are approximately three times more likely to exhibit a major depressive disorder than those without alcoholism.
  • The record number of binge drinking deaths involving college students has highlighted the need for universities to be able to find ways to reduce the out-of-control drinking practices that so are such a part of the fabric on college campuses today.

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